***********DJ FEATURE***********
DJ Geronimo has been a member of KMNR since fall 2010 and is the current Business Manager. You can catch his show Takin It to The Streets, Fridays 4pm-7pm.

Describe your show in 5 words: “Tune in and Turn it Up”

Genres played: White Boy Reggae, Punk, 3rd wave Ska, Electronica

Favorite Album: The Offspring: Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace
Yeah, as individual songs, this certainly isn’t the best album in the world, and there are better artists in my library than the Offspring, but something about listening to this album beginning to end is just great. If I am in a downer mood and just need to depressurize, this is the Album I choose. The emotions it invokes range from self-pity to self-destruction to regret and finally to acceptance and peace. it can take any shit day and make it at least okay. I highly recommend you listen to this next time you feel like the world is trying to break you down

What is your favorite part about being a DJ?: You guys, the listeners. DJ’s have a bad habit of occasionally forgetting they are here to entertain you, not themselves (I’ll be honest, I do it plenty myself) but when it comes down to it, I do what I do because of you. If I introduce one person to a new song,or play an old favorite they haven’t heard in ages that improves their day, then that was a worthwhile radio show for me.

Would you consider yourself passive, aggressive or passive agrressive?: Passively work to be Aggressive, usually settle for passive aggressive.

Favorite quote or saying: “I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I’m all out of bubblegum”
-Duke Nukem

via KMNR On Facebook

Posted Sept. 20, 2013, 12:42 p.m. to KMNR Blog (Tumblr) - Permalink