Dead Week Music
Daft Punk- Tron: Legacy Original Soundtrack - Whether you like Daft Punk or not, I highly encourage you check out this soundtrack to the new Tron movie. This is not another Daft Punk album, this is a soundtrack produced by two men who know music. It provides a background for a sci-fi setting without overdoing the synthesizers. Remember Brian Eno’s Small Craft on a Milk Sea that came out a little over a month ago? Well, while Eno’s soundtrack-like work set the scene for an epic terrestrial film, Daft Punk expands the boundaries and provides the music for a space-age universal setting. Check out Jeff Bridges’ sweet voice-over on “The Grid” and look out for “Recognizer” and “Adagio for Tron”
Space Capone- Volume 1: Transformation - I was afraid at first of what would be in this album due to the open-shirt bald man wearing sunglasses and suspenders on the cover. But instead of the experimental “you wouldn’t understand” music I was expecting, I got a modern example of pretty damn good funk. Think Electric Six meets the badass funk stars of the 1970s. I was quite fond of “I Just Wanna Dance” and “My Dudes (All Approve)” wasn’t bad either.
Audio-ology- Loud and Clear- Mixing pop with hip-hop, Audio-ology manages to dish out an album that is less in-your-face than the current Top 40 charts, but way more poppy than your Kid Cudi or Chiddy Bang music (both of which they liken themselves to). I tried out “Pretty Girls” and didn’t mind the tune, though the message behind it would bring resentment from your average feminist. The whole album manages to hold its own. If you’re into the genre, give it a spin.
Too Late for Roses- Debut - This group made the mistake of putting their best tracks at the end of the album. Upon first putting in the cd, you are greeted with tracks reminiscent of bro-hood and the most mediocre bands at Pointfest. However, listen to “Soundtrack from Masks” and you’ll see the ultimate potential. It’s haunting, original, and is the music from a short animated film by Patrick Smith (the director of Daria and the animator behind many commercials, including the Zoloft ones with the little furry depressed thing). Skip the first seven tracks, stop by “The Satisfaction” for a sec, then finish the end of the album, where the real music is.
Modern Paranoia- I’m a Bird- Each of these tracks was produced by a different permutation of band members, and I have to say my favorite is “I’m a Bird,” characterized by heartfelt vocals that sound like a less-cocky version of the Kings of Leon guy. The tracks vary in their sound, but all of them produce a sound taking elements from rock artists of the past 20 years.
Doctors & Dealers - Trouble- When I listened to this album, I felt like I was in a French cafe. The vocals are soft and jazzy, but the music behind them has a bourgeois avant-garde element I can’t put my finger on. If you like some trumpet, drums, and piano and drinking espresso, check it out.