Improved! Posting Playlists

Layers of humor in that. Think about it

Two meme posts in a row? I have a problem. Oh well, let’s soldier on. 

Today’s update makes it easier for DJs to post playlists to It is pretty awesome, so your favorite DJ should have no excuse for not telling you what songs they played during their show. Feel free to call them at 573-341-4272 and berate them (nicely) for not doing so. If you’re not a DJ you can probably stop reading now and probably just head over to the playlists section and see what’s been played recently.

If you are a DJ, you’ve probably already activated yourself as DJ on but if you haven’t, sign in through facebook or by registering an account and slip over to the DJ activation page (Below your name, click Control Panel, then Activate As DJ; You’ll need the secret code that is at the bottom of every rent e-mail) Once you’ve done that, the sidebar should look something like this:

Click it to the limit

Give that a little click-a-roo and you’ll end up here:

More Magic Has Been Enabled.

Click the ‘PERFORM MAGIC’ button and you will be whisked away to KLAP where you will see the familiar start a log form, with some of the boxes already filled in! (If you look before the click, the contents that will appear in the boxes will be right below)

Wow indeed. 

Fill in the rest of the fields appropriately: your real name goes in the name box and put your show name in as close to the one on the website as you can. Then start log, and do a kick ass show. When its over, commit the log and it will auto-magically be pushed through the tubes to

Posted Jan. 11, 2012, 9:22 a.m. to KMNR Blog (Tumblr) - Permalink