
Shows Full Show History

  • Man... Not Ths Guy Again
    Tuesdays 8 a.m.
    FS 2008
  • The KMNR Request Show!
    Fridays 10 p.m.
    FS 2008
  • Somehow... I'm Not Expecting Much
    Fridays 3 p.m.
    FS 2008
  • Somehow, I'm Not Expecting Much
    Fridays 3 p.m.
    SP 2008
  • Somehow... I'm Not Expecting Much
    Fridays 3 p.m.
    FS 2007

Pretty much the stupidest guy ever.

Upcoming Show:


Somehow... I'm Not Expecting Much
Fridays 3pm-6pm
Alternative, Jam, Brit Rock, J-pop, Classical, etc.
Each week listen to me and my (crappy) music, organized into nice, neat, bite-sized blocks. It's more fun that you might expect.

Q: What's a block?
A: Here's an example.

It's just a way of organizing the music that I think makes the experience a little more engaging, both for the DJ and for the listener.

Q: Why do you talk so much?
A: Because I crack myself up. Not really, but I do enjoy talking about stuff that I enjoy, and when there's nobody in the station to poke fun of me for it, I tend to open up even more (maybe too much).

Q: Do you take requests?
A: Yes, though it works best if you try and work your music into what I'm already playing. While I'm not against interrupting my 12-song-block to play your Rob Zombie, it's a little bit jarring transition-wise. If you try and work something in, though, it lets me know that you listen to the show, and pay attention, and that makes me like you.

Q: Why are you such a douche?
A: Genetics.

Dave Matthews Band, Guster, Ben Folds, Radiohead, Jonathan Coulton, etc.