Hey look! JMATHROCK Posted Aug. 23, 2024, 9:06 p.m.

Posted By Abracadan to Age of the Epic Wizard Battles

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Some Japanese math rock. Some on songs on the harder and harsher side, some in the sweet, soft, and melancholic side.

Round Table Featuring Nino Singles Best 2002-2012 Memories Puzzle
Skool Girl Bye Bye The World Is Mine The World Is Mine
Eow シヨ(Shiyo) サマリバ
シヨ(Shiyo) Trigger 海月
Paranoid Void スロウハイ Literary Math
Tricot Jodeki ティシュー
Veltpunch A Huge Mistake Killer Smile
Kinoko Teikoku Time Lapse Thanatos
Afloat Storage #Fffff #Fffff
Hardnuts Grau Meltaway
Aquarifa 月明かりのせいにして Switch
Yeti Let You Notice Ori,Kodomotati. Kyougikai
Lical Flowers Of Sentence, Rebirth At Sea World End Siren
Blumepopo Apocalypsis All Of Our Happiness
Mass Of The Fermenting Dregs Dramatic Awakening:Sleep
Posted Aug. 23, 2024, 9:06 p.m. - Permalink

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