Slippery Pete

Shows Full Show History

  • Slippery Prime Time
    Wednesdays 6 p.m.
    SP 2009
  • So Long and Thanks For All The Airtime
    Sundays 9 p.m.
    SP 2009
  • Penultimate is a Cool Word
    Sundays 6 p.m.
    FS 2008
  • Slippery When Wet Part 2: Adventures with Pete
    Sundays noon
    SP 2008
  • Slippery When Wet
    Sundays 6 p.m.
    FS 2007

I don't really know how to describe myself, so I'll have an English major do it for me instead!

"Pete Eppestine is an amateur. He is, in fact, a hopeless amateur. With the soundscape of radio as his brush, he paints, in clumsy strokes, portraits of dead air, uncomfortable verbal fillers, misinformation, mispronunciation, and poor musical taste. But whereas others are amateurs because they could never become a professional, Pete is an amateur by choice, if not by calling. Pete Eppestine brings amateurism to a professional level, meanwhile accomplishing the impossible and unenviable goal of both expanding and contracting the possibilities of radio at the same time. Pete plays by checklist, with poorly-recorded high school band concerts receiving equal priority with The Eagles. Pete also performs the usually-noble public service of announcing his songs before playing them; and in this task he is egalitarian, believing that "Stairway to Heaven" needs as much introduction as the end title music to Mario Kart 3. There are few names that Pete is unable to mispronounce, there are few tracks lists and record sleeves that Pete is unable to misplace, and there are few anecdotes that Pete is unable to forget, distort, or falsify for the sake of eroding a few more seconds of air time. Where he should talk, he is silent. Where he is silent, it's because he's forgotten what to say. Though other DJ's may cringe at Pete for a perceived misappropriation of the name of Jockeyer of Disks, I, instead, smile (though it is a smile which outwardly resembles a cringe), for no one can fabricate a nerd aesthetic if it is not innate, and no one has ever been as ingloriously glorious at full frontal nerdity as Pete Eppestine. As long as there are n00bs to be pwned, there will be a Pete Eppestine, inevitably taking the side of the n00bs. So, look, mom, he's on the radio! And listen up, too, because if you're sick to death of easy listening, easy answers, drive time morning shows, tracks that play like commercials, and announcers with all their personality airbrushed out, then Pete is for you. Pete may not be good. He may not even be that good at not being good (though I think he is). But he most certainly is one thing. He's real. In Pete Eppestine, there is no pretense and there is no posturing. If Pete weren't so white, he'd be "keepin' it real," and if he weren't so real, he'd be keeping all his "talent" to himself. But instead, he commands all 450 million of those microwatts and broadcasts all of himself - his loves, his dabblings, his abilities, and his inabilities - in full stereo, and at full volume. Unless he forgets to turn on his microphone."
-Max Tohline

It sounds much less insulting (and it was not intended to be) when "amateur" is read as "one who loves."

Video game soundtracks, movie soundtracks, various flavors of rock, geeky metal, happy jazz, classical, symphonic band stuff, too much terrible stuff that came from the 80's, covers, remixes, and reimaginations of anything I like

If you want specific bands, listen to my shows!