Blog Check out what's going on with KMNR

KMNR interviewed Aiden Pickett, a candidate for Student Council President at Missouri S&T. Aiden shares their vision for the future, discusses issues facing the student body, and talks about their plan to create an impact on campus. Missouri S&T students can listen here to learn more about how they plan to represent all students.
Hey, radio lovers! Keep an eye out for some new button and sticker designs soon! Here’s a teaser:

ever wondered what it would be like to have your own radio show? scan the qr code or visit to apply to be a trainee this semester! with the help of a current dj, you’ll be spinning records in no time :)

applications are open now! scan the qr code or visit to apply to become a dj at s&t’s most beloved free format college radio station!

For our last senior spotlight, we have DJ Dopamine. He’s been student teaching this semester, and we wish him good luck in his future endeavors! — view on Instagram